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Overview of Registration Process
Step 1: Report of Mares Bred (RMB). All stallion owners/lessees must report mares bred to each stallion they stand. Three alternatives are available to stallion owners/lessees for reporting mares bred.

  • A Report of Mares Bred may be filed electronically.
  • Subscribers to the Horse Farm Management Software may create a file of mares bred from their management software and submit it to The Jockey Club.
  • A traditional paper form may be requested from The Jockey Club Registry Office, completed and mailed for processing.
The RMB lists the name of each thoroughbred mare bred by the stallion during the year and her last cover date. These reports MUST be received by August 1 of each year. Stallion owners/lessees will then receive three service certificates for each mare reported on an RMB. The first copy is retained by the stallion owner for their records. The second and third copies are signed and mailed to the owner of the mare reported on the RMB. The Service Certificate signed by the stallion owner/lessee must accompany the Registration Application. The stallion owner/lessee may release the service certificates electronically. The electronic release eliminates the necessity of the mare owner accompanying the Registration Application with the Service Certificate. Please refer to Rule 14 of the Principal Rules and Requirements of the American Stud Book.

Step 2: Live Foal/No Foal Report (LF/NF). Within 30 days of the birth of a foal, the owner, breeder or authorized agent must complete a Live Foal/No Foal Report. The LF/NF indicates the exact date of foaling, the sex of the foal and the state or Canadian province where the foal was born. It is at this stage of the registration process, that the breeder of the foal and correct address for receiving correspondence and the Certificate of Foal Registration must be supplied. In the event the breeding did not result in pregnancy or the pregnancy was lost during gestation, a No Foal Report should be completed and submitted to The Jockey Club as soon as possible. Please refer to Rule 15 in the Principal Rules and Requirements of the American Stud Book.

Step 3: Registration Application. Approximately 3 to 4 months after the date of foaling reported on a LF/NF, a pre-printed Registration Application and genetic typing kit will be mailed to the address reported on the LF/NF. A sample of the foal's mane or tail is collected and mailed directly to the laboratory. Please refer to DNA Sampling for a step-by-step guide to sample collection. The Registration Application must be carefully and fully completed to avoid any delays in issuing the Certificate of Foal Registration. Four color photographs of the foal are required to clearly indicate any and all distinguishing markings. These photographs are taken from each side, the front and back views. Horses which do not have any white markings ("no white markings horse") should also include a close-up photograph of the head to clearly indicate all markings and cowlicks (hair whorls).

Because markings are used to identify the horse throughout its life, it is imperative that all markings are described in detail on the application and are apparent in the photographs. The exact location of cowlicks on the head and neck are also noted on the Registration Application. It is particularly important to describe cowlicks in detail on a no white markings horse.

The most common reasons for delays in issuing certificates of foal registration include:
  1. Addresses are incorrect
  2. Fees to register are either missing or only partially paid
  3. Identification photos are too dark, not detailed enough or in general, fail to indicate all the distinguishing markings of the horse. In these instances, additional photos are required
  4. Service Certificate is missing
Please assure the name, postal address and e-mail address are correctly indicated on all correspondence sent to The Jockey Club. Often, additional information is required to complete the registration process. Incorrect addresses and/or contact information will add delays to the process which may result in payment of late registration fees.

The check-list of requirements to complete registration include:
  1. The mare is listed on the RMB for the sire of the foal
  2. A Live Foal Report is submitted to The Jockey Club within 30 days of foaling
  3. At three to four months of age, a fully completed Registration Application is submitted to The Jockey Club which includes:
  • The form is fully completed and signed (if submitted via Interactive Registry, no signature is necessary)
  • Check or money order for the correct fee
  • Four (4) color photographs of the front, back and both sides (gray horses and foals with no white markings should also include a close-up photograph of the face and photographs of the horse's night-eyes )
  • Signed or electronically released Service Certificate
Once all the requirements are satisfied for registration, a Certificate of Foal Registration usually issues within approximately four (4) weeks. Please carefully inspect the Certificate of Foal Registration to assure the names of the Breeder and Issued to are correct. Most importantly, carefully compare the markings written on the certificate to the markings present on the horse. Any changes that are necessary to the Certificate of Foal Registration are provided free of charge up to six (6) months from date of issuance. Changes made after six (6) months are subject to a correction fee. Thus, it is very important to compare the certificate against the horse to ensure accuracy. Please refer to Rule 2 in the Principal Rules and Requirements of the American Stud Book.

Naming. Many Thoroughbreds are registered without names. This gives a new owner purchasing a registered but unnamed Thoroughbred the opportunity to select the name. If a valid attempt is made to name a registered but unnamed foal up to February 1 of its two-year-old year, there is no charge to name the horse. If the naming attempt is made after February 1 of its two-year-old year, a naming fee will be charged. Please refer to Rule 6 in the Principal Rules and Requirements of the American Stud Book.

If the original Certificate of Foal Registration contains errors or is lost, a replacement certificate may be obtained by fully completing an application for a Corrected or Duplicate Certificate of Foal Registration, respectively.

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